Interested in coaching? Me too.

I love writing about what I’ve learned throughout my professional coaching journey — especially when I can take concepts that seem super heavy and make them feel accessible. Check out some top posts below and read all articles here.


Want a New Job? Write a Life Purpose Statement.

I know — you may be thinking that “life purpose” sounds a little woo woo and has nothing to do with your job search. But they’re much more connected than you think.

Can You Name Five of Your Values?

Throughout my program, I learned two things about personal values: they’re incredibly important, and totally misunderstood.

What You Love + What You Do Well + What The World Needs + What You Can Get Paid For = Your Purpose

On the first day of my first coaching class, we were asked to write down our life purpose statement. I had literally zero idea what to say.

Professional coaching is like work therapy… right?

Sort of yes, but mainly no. The biggest difference? Coaching doesn’t really care about what happened in the past.